Equine Sports Massage
What is Equine Sports Massage?
Equine sports massage is a hands on form of therapy for your horse that covers the whole body. It involves assessing and manipulating a range of layers of soft tissue structures below the skin by using a range of soft tissue techniques, stretches and joint mobilisation to loosen up the area being worked on.
The aim of sports massage is to release areas of tightness and encourage relaxation. Sport massage is for all horses and ponies regardless of their age, work load or if they compete or not, it benefits all.

The benefits of equine sports massage include:
Increased range of movement (ROM)
Improved performance
Improved suppleness
Improved flexibility
Encourages relaxation aiding in relieving stress
Loosens tight muscles
Stretches connective tissue
Relieves muscle cramps and spasms and decreases fatigue
Loosens joints
Increases muscle strength
Calms the nervous system
Firms muscles and skin tone
Speeds up the healing process from an injury or illness
Improves lymphatic drainage which removes toxins from the body
Increases circulation
Studies show massage helps horses and ponies who suffer from Laminitis
Is a natural pain relief
Improves posture
Improves stamina
Can prevent injury
And there are many many more to list!
Some signs that your horse may be in need of a massage include the following:
Short striding
Lack of impulsion
Counter canter or picking up the wrong canter lead
Stiff on one side
Not wanting to bending or turning especially if it is one way
Sore areas
Knocking fences
More difficult to ride than normal
Bucking, bolting or taking off, generally sharper than normal
Highly strung, anxious or stressed
Because you want to give them a treat!
You will know your horses best, so I always advise you to listen to them, they will tell you when they need a massage. The above signs can all be used as a guide, as I mentioned further up all horses benefit from a massage at all times so there is no reason to wait till the signs show.
Prevention is better