Balance Pads
What are balance pads and why do I use them in treatment sessions?
Balance pads are foam pads which the horse is encouraged to to stand on to develop body awareness, body confidence and core strength which lead to improved posture, coordination, proprioception and core stability.
The horse can stand with 1, 2, 3 or 4 feet on the pads. As the pads are an unstable footing they cause the horse to make multiple micro adjustments to their posture and use their core stability muscles to remain as stable as possible while standing on the pads.
Balance training is about strengthening muscles and improving stability. This is so important for riding horses as they not only have to balance themselves but their rider too!

The benefits include:
Activates core stability muscles
Challenges the bodies' vestibular system (improving coordination)
Increases proprioception (awareness of where the body is in space)
Assists in improving joint stability
Assists in developing a strong and health posture
Can help to prevent injury
A form of low intensity exercise so can be used for a variety of horses
Strengthens muscles
Improves body confidence
Can improve mental confidence and has a calming effect
I tend not to use the balance pads in an initial assessment but I will start to introduce them in follow up sessions.
The balance pads will be slowly introduced so that your horse is happy and comfortable with them. Again so as not to rush your horse the number of feet standing on pads will slowly be built up so this may take 3-4 sessions (or as long as your horse needs) until they are standing with all 4 feet on balance pads.
Each horse is an individual so application will vary to suit your horse and target their weaknesses so they can get the most out of their session.